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A Overview of Odoo ERP implementation and Development

Odoo ERP is one of the major enterprise and resource planning service providers available in the world. The platform developed from scratch is a new generation that came into existence only in the past decade. Making it the most advanced and modern ERP solution in the market. The popularity of Odoo spread across the world initially from Europe and to the neighboring continents today Odoo ERP has been employed in almost 100+ counties across the world and has over 6.5 million uses which vary in business sector and levels of operation.

Here are the aspects which will be followed while performing the Odoo implementation and development. 

Requirement analysis 

Initially, the Odoo implementation term or company that you have approached will analyze the needs of the business organization. This would include the study of company functioning, analysis of operations, in-depth leaning on different parameters, routine operation checking categorizing vital and non-vital operations, and many more. In addition, the input from the users as well as the employees of the platform will be put forward as they are the ones who understand the needs and necessities of functioning in the company. 


Once the platform requirement and the configuration are being analyzed the development team will start with the building operation of the platform. Moreover, this would be conjured based on the needs and necessity which the customer has agreed upon and will be set under the budget allocation for the customer side. The hosting aspects as well as additional add ons required will also be considered which also adds up to the Odoo pricing. 


Once the platform has been developed it will be subject to numerous tests that involve the concentration of the various parameters as well as the reliability and stability of the platform. Moreover, it would be done with a harsh environment and operational parameters to be functioning in the company. If there is the detection of the flaw in the operation it is subject to development and is rectified to be operational in the live environment.


Once the platform is ready it should be configured to be operational in the company. Here the device's functions are configured to operate with the Odoro platform. Moreover, the operational settings as well as the functioning of the platform your business organization should be installed and made available to the employees and the users. 

Data migration 

The data of the company which was already in operation should be imported to the platform tobe function with the platform. This is vital as the business organizations will be required to look back into the historical data and charts while functioning. 

User training 

As the Odoo platform has been successfully implemented the use of the platform should be trained to be operational in both the functional as well as briefly on the technical aspects. It falls under the responsibility of the developer's training session of the user providing an insight into the operation of the platform constantly during and after training.

Odoo ERP Implementation methodology: 

Odoo can be implemented in two ways. Either you can host it on any server (preferably Linux-based) or you can use it locally. It depends on user needs. 

In both cases the basic implementation steps are: 

1. Install basic Odoo. 
2. Set up the load balancing if you need 
3. Set up the database. 
4. Install required Odoo applications. 
5. Install customized apps if any.
6. Configure the basic master like company info, user details, etc.. 
7. Configure your business functional requirements
8. Configure user-wise access levels. 
9. And start using it.

If you are looking for Odoo implementation services contact us at 
Bharath Singh 7 August 2023
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